For adding new services these are the mandatory fields
3.Basic UOM
4.Service Category
5.Service Type
6.Sales/Income Account
7.Preferred Vendor
8.Avg. Est. Unit Cost
9.Purchasing/Expense Account
10.Selling Price
In that we are giving the service name which service you are provide to customer we have to add here
Sort Order
The sort order is used for sorting the service in the list of services that are provided by company.
SKU(stock keeping unit)
The SKU is used for giving the code for easy identification of service
Basic UOM
UOM is used for giving unit of measurement for the product like in , cf , sf , cm .
Service Category
Service Type
The service type is used to mention which type of service will be provided for that product category.
Sales/Income Account
The sales/Income account is used for adding the service income money. different account for different service .
Preferred Vendor
Avg.Est.Unit Cost
An approximation of the probable cost of a product, program, or project, computed on the basis of available information.
Sort Order
The sort order is used for sorting the service in the list of services that are provided by company.
SKU(stock keeping unit)
The SKU is used for giving the code for easy identification of service
Basic UOM
UOM is used for giving unit of measurement for the product like in , cf , sf , cm .
Service Category
Which type of service you are providing here you to select appropriate category like installation , fabrication , templating ,delivery and so on.
Service Type
The service type is used to mention which type of service will be provided for that product category.
Sales/Income Account
The sales/Income account is used for adding the service income money. different account for different service .
Preferred Vendor
A preferred vendor is a vendor who has been investigated by a company and approved. When a company needs services, it turns to these vendors first, which means that being on the preferred list can put a business in a powerful position.
An approximation of the probable cost of a product, program, or project, computed on the basis of available information.
These are some of the instructions given to the customer about the service.