Friday, April 22, 2016

How to add an associates

Friday, April 22, 2016 Posted by Sandeep Kumar Jha
A person who is connected with others in a business; co-worker. 
These are middle persons who helps to develop the business by introducing the new customers, suppliers and vendors.
Associate is the middle who will introduce the new customers suppliers 

General Info

Associate Name

Associate Name is the name of the associate person.


ID/Code is used for giving the unique identification of Associate .

Associate Type

There are number of associate type means like Builder, Designer , Architect , Home owner

Contact Name

Contact Name is given so that we have to contact that person for any details in that company.

Referred by

Referred by means the person who has referred him as the associate.

Contact Information

Fax is used for sending the documents or any important paper in the form of hardcopy

Email Address used for the  sending the mail.

If the Associate  having a Website we can maintain  for getting  more information 


Location is used to give our company location.

Sales Rep means the representative who is responsible for dealing or transaction